Massage Modalities & Add-Ons

Quiet Massage

Massage sessions can be a calm, quiet place to relax and recharge. In a state of deep relaxation being asked a question can restimulate the mind and draw it out of that relaxed state. When my client’s goals prioritize mental and emotional relaxation I keep my communication to a minimum to avoid stimulating a mind at rest.

Communicative Massage

In a session with the goal of reduction of physical tension or addressing specific trouble areas, communication about sensitivity, pain, and nerve sensation in the body is necessary. This communication helps me properly identify and address the aggravated muscles. Using neuromuscular techniques like isometrics also requires communication with the client during the session. This communication can reduce mental relaxation through the session but will lead to better results when addressing physical tension and pain.


I am trained in neuromuscular, triggerpoint, myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, and Swedish massage. During a session I will use any of these techniques that I think will be most helpful to the client and aligned with their goals. If you would like a focus on one of these modalities during a session just ask!

Hot Stones

Hot Himalayan salt stones can be helpful for both mental and physical relaxation. Applying heat to muscles can quickly melt away superficial tension and allow me to work the deep tissues underneath. Hot stones are also very mentally relaxing and focus the consciousness into the point of contact.


Aromas can be relaxing or stimulating depending on the scent and the clients preferences. Just ask at the time of your appointment for my current selection, though I will always have lavender and orange on hand.


I am trained in prenatal massage and have the necessary pillows and bolsters for keeping a mother comfortable during the session. There is no additional charge for prenatal massage as I believe mothers should have as much access to massage as possible. I do need to know beforehand about pregnancy, please fill out that information on the intake, and I also only work on mothers in their second trimester, third trimester, or postpartum.

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